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I have OCD

I don't have it as bad as other people, as in it doesn't completely interfere with every aspect of my life.

I hand wash excessively (without realizing I'm doing it) it's usually if I feel like my hands have been 'contaminated', which is a long list. I have checking OCD which means that I count things over and over again, constantly check locks, that sort of thing. I tend to repeat thoughts in my head over and over again, obsessively. I get irrational thoughts which I sadly can't control, and that has caused me to lose opportunities and friends before.

Let me just say, it's not fun. There is a lot of people on social media that think OCD is a 'quirk'. It can consume and ruin your life, there is nothing quirky about it. I will never be fully 'normal' and that does upset me.
I understand this completely and I feel what you're saying when you say you'll never be fully 'normal.' I've never been diagnosed with it, but I'm positive I have OCD to some degree (I also never disclose anything about this to doctors, because I have a horrible habit of never opening up to people in person, so it's my own fault). I do the same thing with hand washing, can even get through a bottle of handsoap in no time at all! There are also things I do that I "have" to do or I feel as though my life is completely out of whack, and people find it to be ridiculous (for instance, I have to goto the fridge and take out three sodas at night and take them to my room, even though I don't drink them (if I drink at night, it's water) and put them back the next morning, I still HAVE to do this, that's only one thing...). It's impossible to explain except that it has to be some form of OCD. One of these days I need to work up the courage to actually tell someone and figure it out. At any rate, enough babbling from me.

I understand exactly where you're coming from and I understand the pain associated with the those little things that get trapped in your "I HAVE to do this consciousness." It's not fun at all and it's something that really does eat up countless parts of your life when it grabs hold.
I hate the fact people seem to like disorders right now. Where people even said to me: oh I wish I could love a person like you can.

They have no idea how it can hold you back or ruin things for you.

The irrational thoughts I have too. I dont have OCD but I can relate with you to some extend.

Is there anything you can do to make it more managable?
I am sure that my son has OCD. He is constantly showering, washing his hands and hates things that are out of place.
I try to stay off social media because there are plenty of people on there that just don't understand any disorder or mental health.
I am sure that my son has OCD. He is constantly showering, washing his hands and hates things that are out of place.
I try to stay off social media because there are plenty of people on there that just don't understand any disorder or mental health.
Oh absolutely! Social media is a horrible place to try and talk about mental health at all. You get nothing but trolls and misunderstandings. Horrible.
How long have you known or suspected that you've had OCD for? Is it something you've recently learned or something you've always known you've had?

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