Smart Watch

Are you a person who like to use a smartwatch as a fitness device ? A lot of people find it very helpful. There are models that keep track of your blood oxygen, BP and can even measure sleep.

As long as there is someone to team with we can rely on them. But if we are on our own, better take help from those gadgets.
I've never been able to wear any watch no matter how expensive, for more than a week or two without it dying. Not rough on them at all, there's just something about me that kills them. Had a friend insist on testing it using his 6 thousand dolla Rolex. It too, bit the dust. This is true for the all-electronic ones too.
Honestly, I've always tried to get into the smart watch trend. I've had an Apple one and a Samsung one - both times I really enjoyed it and the features it offered (particularly on the fitness side) but everytime I've worn it for about a week or two and then I just stop. I can't seem to deal with having something on my person at all times, let alone on my wrist! One day I hope to break that duck haha. When I get my new phone in a few months, I've no doubt I'll try again!
insist on testing it using his 6 thousand dolla Rolex. It too, bit the dust. This is true for the all-electronic ones too.

That hurts. Why is that so ? Did you ever try to find out ? I only hope that it is something silly.

I do not like watches anymore. I have some locally made model. It hurts to spend too much on a costly model. But some smartwatches look very nice. They can change themselves to something very different. They are not cheap either.
I've had an Apple one and a Samsung one

Great ! Those are premium models. It is nice to know that you are on the cutting edge when it comes to technology.

I can't seem to deal with having something on my person at all times, let alone on my wrist!
This is quite human. A lot of people do not like a spy on their body. Smartwatches can be too intrusive. Especially when you have the notifications turned on.
True, very true. A lot of people do that. We no longer need a watch to check the time. As for me, I check my wrist by muscle memory. While travelling, I do not want to take the phone out of pocket only to check the time. There is a risk of exposing an expensive phone when we pull out it in a public space. It is a good method to use a simple, not so costly watch. But that varies a lot according to individual preference.
That hurts. Why is that so ? Did you ever try to find out ? I only hope that it is something silly.
I have no idea. My dad and his sister had the same thing. None of my brothers or my sister had it. It's just one of those goofy things.
Great ! Those are premium models. It is nice to know that you are on the cutting edge when it comes to technology.

This is quite human. A lot of people do not like a spy on their body. Smartwatches can be too intrusive. Especially when you have the notifications turned on.
Thankfully they came with my phone contracts at the time (as I swap between Android/Apple as I can never make up my mind) so I wasn't out of pocket with them. I actually enjoyed the aspect of having easy access to my notifications at the time and other benefits (such as the fitness aspect). I just found it cumbersome to wear something on my person other than clothes. I don't wear jewelry of any kind either so I guess it's just foreign to me.
I don't wear jewelry of any kind either
That is good. I don't like them either. Especially the costly ones.

they came with my phone contracts at the time (as I swap between Android/Apple as I can never make up my mind)

Which one is your favourite ? I get a phone separate for work-related needs. That is not something I can decide. The company, model etc, there is no choice. They allot it based on our work status.
That is good. I don't like them either. Especially the costly ones.

Which one is your favourite ? I get a phone separate for work-related needs. That is not something I can decide. The company, model etc, there is no choice. They allot it based on our work status.

For me, the Apple watch would be my overall favourite (Apple is probably my favored brand) as it just seems to 'work' out of the box and is easy to use. The Samsung offering is by no means a loser though, it's certainly a good one and in many aspects, as good as the Apple watch. In terms of pure looks though, the Apple one wins for me.
I always felt that Apple is a bit too much interested in profit than anything. Because Google sells a billion phones and are second in profit. Apple sells less than a million items per year and still are on top. Imagine the profit margin if the numbers are so vast apart.

It is fine for a corporate to make a profit. But small numbers, huge profit means they aim our pocket big time. Also, if you want to sell something through the App Store, they take a very big cut from what I heard. If you buy a movie for $25, most probably, Apple is preventing the seller from $15 as the actual price.
I did use to have an Apple Watch but I ended up selling it because I just never found myself using it much and would often forget to put it on as well. I think they're good for sporty / active people but I have no use for them.
I have an Apple Watch that I love to wear daily. It's great reminder to stand up every hour, and make sure that I get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. I did have to stop wearing it at night because I got obsessed with tracking my sleep and it was actually working against me mentally. So I charge it at night and wear it during the day.
I have an apple watch as well for the last few years, has many things on it to play with and i don't have to carry my personal phone with me at all just the work phone.
I've had x2 Fitbit Surge watches, one was replaced under warranty due to the strap bubbling up and coming away from the watch, and the replacement developed an issue with the battery which would last little more than a few hours. Great when it worked, but too many issues for such an expensive item.

I then picked up a Huawei Band 2 Pro watch, which was much cheaper. It's pretty basic and works well, but it can't be synced directly with Strava and has kinda put me off from using it.. I do still have it though, and I might start wearing it again just to try and get me back into doing exercise a bit more routinely and try to lose some lockdown weight.

I do quite fancy a new fitness watch, but I'm not sure what I'd go with next.. 🏃‍♂️

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