Salt Lamps

Wasn't sure where this would fit on the forum.
Does anyone have one?

My daughter has borrowed me hers whilst she is staying at her boyfriends.
I must say they really are calming.

Here is a list of the benefits :)

  • Balance Electromagnetic Radiation.
  • Cleanse, Deodorize, and Purify Air.
  • Calm Allergies and Reduce Asthma.
  • Alleviate Coughing and Other Symptoms of the Common Cold.
  • Boost Blood Flow.
  • Raise Energy Levels.
  • Sharpen Concentration and Performance.
  • Enhance Mood.
please be careful they are harmful to cats and other animals if you have any
please read this
please be careful they are harmful to cats and other animals if you have any
please read this
Yeah I know, I have mine out of reach from my cat.
We had one & while I really wanted to like it, the salt flaked all over the place. Don't know if that is the norm.

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