How do you deal with body comments?

How do you deal with body comments? Has your therapist given you some suggestions on how to deal with the things people say?

I know that sometimes a flippant comment might not mean much coming from someone, but to me it can stick in my mind for a very long time.
I used to always let what people said about my body affect me and of course, that would then lead to me getting down and feeling self-conscious due to what had been said, being someone who would let one thing that had been said to me get to me for a long time it never made it easy.

As I got older the more I took less notice of what others said to me about my body and it has helped me feel better about myself. I now look at it as, if I am unhappy with my body it is up to me to change it.
I am obese, but I have been getting complements lately because I went from 489 pounds down to 357 pounds, and I am still losing weight. I am dieting and exercising, and I want to get down to 220 pounds.

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