Chit-Chat Thread

Hello everyone sup? How are you doing so far with your day? Today, because it’s an overcast, awfully cold, wet and gloomy day outside, just enjoying the movie “Avatar 1” on YouTube before hitting the bed tonight.
Just started to rain so another awful day.
I had a awful day yesterday with the IBS Im a bit better but Im not right my stomach feel's raw.
Today Im just going to relax.
Yo sup guys! How are you? This morning, I’ve just taken a shower and a hair wash and have trimmed my nails. The afternoon, still enjoying the movie “Avatar 1” on YouTube because I haven’t finished it yesterday afternoon yet before hitting the sack tonight.
Hi all sup! How are ye al doing today? Today, as it’s a dark, cd, gloomy and wet day outside, feeling like 12C, just enjoying the movie “Avatar 2” before heading to bed tonight.
I just need shut of this nervous stomach Im taking Amitriptyline at night but the doctor said they could take a week or two to show any sign's of feeling better Ive to take them for 4 weeks.
No plans today for me.
Howdy morning all! How are you? Today, since it’s yet another awfully wet, dark, cold, windy, wet and gloomy day outside, feeling like 8C, just enjoying “Star Wars 4, A new Hope” on Apple TV before heading the sack tonight.
Yo sup all there man! How are you today? Today, since there’s frost on the ground this morning outside and feeling like -2C, just enjoying the movie : “Star Wars 5, The Empire strikes back” before heading to sleep tonight.

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