Bad dreams

Are bad dreams a disease ? I see all kind of stupid twisted dreams, mostly based on things I have seen or involved in real life. I was told to pray before we sleep. To clear our mind before moving to a sound sleep. I want to get rid of bad dreams. It is not very threatening but I would prefer something better. Do you think that reading books help ?
It runs MORE amuck with chemistry! I take a beta blocker and one of the side effects is lurid, realistic intense dreams. It is believed this is because the drug penetrates the blood/brain barrier.

Not having "bad" dreams necessarily, just super realistic intense ones that I am even able to manipulate somewhat. In the dream I realize I am dreaming, it's called "lucid dreaming." Very intense.
For a long time, I used to see dreams related to my childhood. Things that never happened. As if someone wrote a drama, a very pathetic one too. I somehow managed to get rid of it. It was not pleasant to wake from those useless dreams.
Dreams are considered to be a construction of the sub-conscious mind, relaying and processing how your day went. It could also be your worries that you weren't aware of in your conscious state of mind, that are then pushed foward into dreams.

When you look into it, dreams and the creation of dreams are very clever.
When you look into it, dreams and the creation of dreams are very clever.

I must admit. I have no idea how it works.

relaying and processing how your day went.

Ok. So if we have a pleasant day, will it have an impact on our dream ?

It could also be your worries

Yes, that could be the reason. My worries are normally a logical escalation of my social needs. Buying a house, for example.
I think bad dreams are probably just your mind trying to make sense of your feelings, perhaps? I'm not sure, but I think I had a 'bad dream' whenever I'm feeling down. They tend to mimic my mood.
I get bad dreams when I am dealing with something traumatic or stressful in life, it probably is your subconscious trying to make sense of it all. Praying may help you if it actually relaxes you and clears your mind?
I rarely get bad dreams but when I do it's because my mind is focused on something bad happening currently OR because my thyroid meds aren't in the place they're supposed to be in.

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