Working while tired

I hate doing it. But it is hard not to. A lot of work cannot wait. And postponing it means it might lay there forever. There are things that need to be given top priority. Even health issues won't count there.

I myself would have advised not to do it. But when that is the normal way of doing things, how can we think about doing something different ?
I agree, I hate not finishing work because it feels like it lingers over me forever. I'd rather carry on with it and tick things off a list than just leave it for another time. Lists are a great way to manage things, but can be just as daunting though.
You have to balance it between how tired are you ? because carrying on when tired could lead to mistakes and then further problems and stress with work. counterproductive.
This is where balance as well as delegation comes in. Also set your priorities. If you are doing too much, practice Self-Care & rethink what you are doing. Is there something that you can delegate to others? Something you can cut out? We tend to take on too much & then get burnt-out. What helps me is to have a set routine, a schedule.
You have to prioritize your health and sleep. When you focus on that first every thing else falls into place. Is your tiredness due to lack of sleep and/or poor diet? That's an easier fix. Are you tired because the work doesn't excite you or you don't appreciated or compensated enough for the work you do? The answers to these questions may help you improve your situation if you're willing to do the necessary things for change. Best of luck to you!

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