Will Life Ever Return To Normal?

COVID-19 has made me value life more than before, I took life for granted before it all.
I just miss going to my local cafe for a cup of tea and breakfast before I went shopping.
I also miss browsing in the shops, I feel I can't do it anymore because I feel like I am suffocating wearing the mask.
Cafe I used to go to hasn't opened back up yet, I haven't eaten out since March, before the Virus I would eat out at least twice a week.
I am still afraid of eating out.

So will things ever return to normal? I know they are still trying to find a jab for it but many people won't have it or refuse to have it so COVID will still be around for a long time :(
I agree with you, @Catsmother. After all of this started, I realized that I took normal life for granted. I miss being able to go anywhere with my fiancé, going in places without a mask, ect. I am sure that it will all get better soon, life won't be like this forever. We will get it under control. We did it with the flu and we can do it again. :)
I agree with you, @Catsmother. After all of this started, I realized that I took normal life for granted. I miss being able to go anywhere with my fiancé, going in places without a mask, ect. I am sure that it will all get better soon, life won't be like this forever. We will get it under control. We did it with the flu and we can do it again. :)
I certainly hope so @Nilla :)

I even miss going to Gigs.
COVID-19 has made me value life more than before, I took life for granted before it all.
I just miss going to my local cafe for a cup of tea and breakfast before I went shopping.
I also miss browsing in the shops, I feel I can't do it anymore because I feel like I am suffocating wearing the mask.
Cafe I used to go to hasn't opened back up yet, I haven't eaten out since March, before the Virus I would eat out at least twice a week.
I am still afraid of eating out.

So will things ever return to normal? I know they are still trying to find a jab for it but many people won't have it or refuse to have it so COVID will still be around for a long time :(

I know how it feels, i feel cooped up in my house, but one thing i did, was try to see what was going on outside when they lifted certain things like stores and restaurants . My friend and i took a chance to go to lunch, the restaurants were very strict and had signs up all over the place and you had to wear a mask entering and leaving. Now depending on the age, that is where it can be tricky, Where i live things have changed, Your answer will life ever be normal, no, this is a new norm now.. masks, hand washing and social distance will be going on for a long time, we need to give the CDC another 5 months for the vaccine, Also each state is different and area are different. When you have a chance, just drive around and see what is going on, you don't have to get out of your car , just get out and ride.. We are all going thru this, I miss my art class at the museum, i used to go there 2 times a week. .had to drive to my therapist, Take it easy on yourself. The only reason i talk like this is bc of my therapist, i have a big support team since treatment and if i can help 1 person out, i hope to do that.
Well, I think we'll eventually return to a "new normal" :P . I doubt it'll ever disappear entirely, but we'll reach a point where we have a vaccine, and it becomes no more dangerous than the seasonal flu that we've lived with for our entire lives.

As for how this 'new normal' looks different: we'll probably be working from home more often; we won't be shaking hands as much; and I don't expect we'll be using cash as frequently. However, the social distancing won't last forever - and we'll be hugging and kissing again one day :) .