Meds that make you sleepy

I have this problem with paracetamol. I do not know whether I can mention a medicine's name but that is the go-to drug if you feel like about to have a fever, or actually have it. I have qualified people who offer medical advice. I take it and use this medicine when it is almost close to fever. It helps with fever but makes you dozy. Feels like you want to hit the bed.

It is a real hindrance if you want to work further after taking this.
It's actually quite rare to get side effects off of paracetamol. It's a very stable medication. Are you taking the right dose over the right time frame? Is it another form of medication that contains paracetamol, such as codiene?
I got it from regular medical sources. As I mentioned, I have access to qualified people. So I am only skipping the part which is - waiting in a queue. I think it could be either Paracetamol or some combination. I have known other people who felt sleepy after consuming paracetamol. It is true PM is a regular, almost standard medicine. There is nothing much bad associated with it unless we are going to use it in the wrong way.

There are a few other regular cold related drugs too that make me sleepy.

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