Diane's Fudge
Never fail, make sure you use butter not margarine
2 12 ounces packages chocolate chips,
7 ounce jar marshmallow cream
2 stick butter
2 cups chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
5 cups sugar
1 can evaporated milk
In large dutch oven pan cook together sugar and evaporated milk. Bring to rolling boil. Stirring constantly. Boil for 8 minutes. Stirr the whole time. Remove from heat and add all the rest of the ingredients. Stirr until all the streaks are gone. from the marshmallow creme. Pour into butter 9 by 13 inch pan. It helps if someone else is there to help you stirr. lots of servings, preparation time 30 minutes
From my sister Diane
Never fail, make sure you use butter not margarine
2 12 ounces packages chocolate chips,
7 ounce jar marshmallow cream
2 stick butter
2 cups chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
5 cups sugar
1 can evaporated milk
In large dutch oven pan cook together sugar and evaporated milk. Bring to rolling boil. Stirring constantly. Boil for 8 minutes. Stirr the whole time. Remove from heat and add all the rest of the ingredients. Stirr until all the streaks are gone. from the marshmallow creme. Pour into butter 9 by 13 inch pan. It helps if someone else is there to help you stirr. lots of servings, preparation time 30 minutes
From my sister Diane