Foods That Control Depression

If you want to heal naturally, you need to eat foods that improve your health. For example, if you have depression, you will have to eat foods that can alleviate your depression symptoms. When you have depression, you are lonely and sad, therefore, you need to eat foods that help in serotonin production. Serotonin is a happy hormone that can alleviate depression symptoms. You can try eating chicken and turkey. You also need to eat foods rich in B vitamins that improve cognitive functions.
Tryptophan is a "feel good" amino acid. It too increases serotonin levels for an all around mental well-being. Chicken, turkey, milk contain it. That's why a lot of people feel sedated after a Thanksgiving turkey dinner!
It's naturally produced in the body so there's less chance of having side effects.
While you cannot cure depression with foods, you can control depression symptoms with certain foods. When you have depression, you should try to eat natural foods instead of processed foods, you will also have to avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeinated foods and drinks.
I really don't know when I am feeling very sad and depressed that's when I feel so hungry. And I eat a lot at that moment instead of losing appetite.
Tryptophan is a "feel good" amino acid. It too increases serotonin levels for an all around mental well-being. Chicken, turkey, milk contain it. That's why a lot of people feel sedated after a Thanksgiving turkey dinner!
It's naturally produced in the body so there's less chance of having side effects.
Now I finally understand why and how why it's depicted like that in the movies, after everyone eats they have a food coma xD
I tried it and it didn't help me that much. Might I need to lose eating candy to feel something from food?
Now I finally understand why and how why it's depicted like that in the movies, after everyone eats they have a food coma xD
I tried it and it didn't help me that much. Might I need to lose eating candy to feel something from food?
If you are like me & get hyper with sugar, it may counteract the sedative effects.

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