Schizophrenia - The Causes

Schizophrenia - a mental illness - is an illness, or a group of illnesses, in which the individual loses touch with reality, and may experience a variety of strange feelings, such as a conviction that he is being controlled by others; or his thoughts are being 'broadcast' and made available to other people, or that thoughts are being put in his mind or taken away from him. He may hear voices of people running commentaries on his actions.

Other symptoms include some types which manifest in so-called 'Negative Symptoms' (flat facial expression, lack of motivation etc.)

Schizophrenia is known to have been a part of man from ages past as it is one of the most observed and peculiar of all mental illnesses. There is a higher incidence in men than in women and it may affect any age group, from childhood to old age, although most commonly being in people in their more productive age of twenties and thirties.

How common is schizophrenia?

About one out of every hundred beings may expect to suffer the illnesses. Also, it is prevalent in all races and cultures.

In fact, many of the obvious mentally ill destitute who wander the streets are suffering from long-standing schizophrenia, and similarly, many patients admitted to long-stay mental facilities are suffering from schizophrenic.

What are its causes?

- According to Dr Femi Olughile, a consultant psychiatrist, a person with one parent who suffers from schizophrenia has a higher risk of developing the illness than another person who has no history. The risk increases if both parents suffer from the condition.

Family and social environment
- Some early theories suggested that certain patterns of family and social interaction could predispose some people to develop schizophrenia in later years. Events like emigration and belonging to an alienated minority are associated with relatively higher incidence of schizophrenia.

Drugs - Drug abuse such as cannabis (marijuana) may cause schizophrenia as an acute illness, while long-term use may lead to symptoms indistinguishable from chronic schizophrenia.

Abnormalities in brain - Certain physical changes in the brain are found on MRI and CT scan in many people who have had the condition for a long time. Whether this is a cause of the illness has not been fully established.

Abnormalities in brain chemistry - The effective activity of the first generation of drugs discovered for treating the condition was found to be due to reduction of activity at dopamine receptor sites in a part of the brain known as meso-limbic system. This suggested that excessive neuro-chemical activity at these sites might be responsible for the symptoms of schizophrenia. Again whether this is 'cause', 'consequence' or incidental is not fully established, though the fact that medicines that target those sites have the effect of improving the symptoms suggest a strong relationship.

Schizophrenia is a highly debilitating condition that can completely ruin a person's life, however, treatment is available and the condition can be managed.

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It is a terrible illness but those who are treated properly can lead happy lives. Interesting to see about cannabis use linked to it , I hate when people down play taking drugs like cannabis !
It's strange how the American culture is always pushing pot as something cool and useful for mankind. However, getting schizophrenia is no joke. Nonetheless, I don't think pot should be illegal, but people should know the whole truth about it, so they can make independent decisions about it.
I was not aware that Schizophrenia is also a genetic issue. I always thought it is caused by family and social environment and abnormalities in the brain. I would like to know if someone diagnosed with Schizophrenia will be completely cured? I understand it can be managed and controlled but how about complete cure.

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