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Who has raised farm animals?

I raised chickens for 4-H in 6th grade, I think. Anyway, unfortunately, they were diseased. Many started shaking and some went blind. Well, this happened as they got older. Anyway, though, I had fun anyhow. I wonder, though, how they got a disease?
I didn't raise farm animals but I used to visit my aunt's farm and she had all kinds of them! I used to love the goats but the billy goat would always headbutt me and cause me to fall over. Then the nanny goat would eat my clothes so we weren't allowed to dress in nice clothing when visiting them.

I couldn't bear to go near the barn because of the smell! I was told it was the horses and not the cows that smelled but I don't know if I can believe that.

There were barn cats all over and my cousin told me if we could catch a kitten we could keep it. Of course, they were somewhat feral and could never be caught.

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