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Coconut Crêpes Stuffed With Shrimp-Cambodia

Coconut Crêpes Stuffed With Shrimp-Cambodia

For the batter

2.82 oz (or 80 g) brown rice flour
1.41 oz (or 40 g) khorasan wheat flour
1 egg
3/4 cup coconut milk
3/4 cup water
1/4 tsp turmeric
1.5 cup wood ear mushrooms, soaked and finely cut
24 medium sized shrimps, peeled and deveined
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbs fish sauce
1/4 tsp sugar
1 tbs olive oil
1/2 onion chopped
1 cup cooked spinach
2 scallions, chopped

For the batter
Mix flours together, then add egg, water, coconut milk, turmeric and salt. Mix well to obtain a smooth batter. If too thick add a little water. Let it rest for about 30 min.

Soak mushrooms in hot water until they become soft, about 30-45 minutes.
Cut in small strips. Set aside.

Marinate mushrooms strips with shrimps, fish sauce, sugar, garlic for about one hour.

Saute spinach in 1 garlic clove chopped and olive oil.

Heat olive oil in a wok, add mushrooms and shrimp mixture and saute until shrimps are cooked and liquid has evaporated.

Start making crêpes. Using a small pan of about 12 cm diameter, add some batter and proceed as you would make regular crêpes, spreading the batter all over the pan. Let it cook until one side of the crêpe, has become golden brown and crunchy. Add some of the filling on one half of the crêpe, add spinach and scallions. Fold the other half on top and let it cook for a few more minutes.

Remove from the pan and serve with mint and lettuce leaves.

(From Ethnic and International Recipes (Dorie))


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