• Hey there, welcome to Talk Mental Health – a cozy corner where we're all about mental health, wellness, and just being real. This is your spot to connect with a community that gets it, where we're all on this journey together. Whether you're navigating tough times or lending a listening ear, we've got your back. No judgment, just genuine support. Step in, take a deep breath, and let's make this a space where we lift each other up. Glad you're here!
  • While Talk Mental Health offers a platform for peer support and shared experiences, it is not a substitute for professional mental health assistance. If you find yourself in genuine danger or experiencing a mental health crisis, please reach out to qualified professionals. In the UK, you can contact emergency services by dialing 999. For non-emergency support, consider reaching out to organizations like Samaritans at 116 123. In the USA, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). For support in Australia, contact Lifeline at 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue at 1300 22 4636. Your well-being is our priority, and seeking professional help is a crucial step towards your mental health journey.

If you...

…Were an ice cream flavor, what would you be, and why?
…Could have any superpower, what would you want, and why?
…Could instantly become an expert in any subject or field, what would that be, and why?
…Could time travel to any year, past or future, when would you pick, and why?
…Could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
…Could host a party with three celebrities, living or dead, who would you invite, and why?
…Could adopt any animal, including rare species and fictional creatures, what would you adopt, and why?
…Could live in any fictional world or land, what would that be, and why?
…Hosted a talk show, who would you want to interview as your first guest?
…Could cast anyone to portray you in the story of your life, who would that be, and why?
…Had to wear the same t-shirt with a word or phrase on it for a year, what would you want that word or phrase to be?
…Knew you wouldn’t fail, what one thing would you do?
…Had to star in a reality show, which should would you pick, and why?
…Wrote a memoir, what would the title be, and why?
…Met the Wizard of Oz, what would you ask for?
…Could instantly learn another language without studying it, which one would you pick?
…Could hang out with a fictional character for a day, who would you pick and what would you do together?
…Were the last person on Earth, how would you keep yourself entertained?
…Won the lottery, what is the first thing you’d buy?
…Could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
…Had to be stranded on a deserted island with either your worst enemy or no one, which would you choose, and why?
…Could name a newly discovered planet or star, what would you name it, and why?
…Could add anyone to Mt. Rushmore, who would that be, and why?
…Could be adopted by any fictional family, which would you pick, and why?
…Met an alien, what’s the first question you’d ask them?
…Could invent a new word, what would it be and what would it mean?
…Could have the world’s largest collection of anything, what item would you want that to be?
…Could break any world record, which would you pick?
…Were stuck in a Zombie apocalypse, what three famous people would you want on your team?
…Could go back in time and meet your five-year-old self, what would you what to tell them?
…Had to have three songs represent your personality and life, which would you select?
…Were an ice cream flavor, what would you be, and why? Coffee. I love it.
…Could have any superpower, what would you want, and why? Time travel. Would be interesting.
…Could instantly become an expert in any subject or field, what would that be, and why? Languages. I already speak 6
…Could time travel to any year, past or future, when would you pick, and why? 1987. A brilliant year
…Could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why? Dead Poet's Society. My favourite film
…Could host a party with three celebrities, living or dead, who would you invite, and why? Agnetha Faltskog (my idol), Tomas Ledin (my celebrity crush) and Abraham Lincoln (what a man)
…Could adopt any animal, including rare species and fictional creatures, what would you adopt, and why? Meerkat. So cute
…Could live in any fictional world or land, what would that be, and why? I wouldn't
…Hosted a talk show, who would you want to interview as your first guest? Tomas Ledin
…Could cast anyone to portray you in the story of your life, who would that be, and why? Agnetha Faltskog. I love her.
…Had to wear the same t-shirt with a word or phrase on it for a year, what would you want that word or phrase to be? Learn the rules then break them (I do actually have that shirt)
…Knew you wouldn’t fail, what one thing would you do? Record a duet album with you know who
…Had to star in a reality show, which should would you pick, and why? I wouldn't
…Wrote a memoir, what would the title be, and why? Flawed Genius because I am
…Met the Wizard of Oz, what would you ask for? To be taller
…Could instantly learn another language without studying it, which one would you pick? Swedish
…Could hang out with a fictional character for a day, who would you pick and what would you do together? Lisa Simpson from 'The Simpsons' and we would listen to jazz
…Were the last person on Earth, how would you keep yourself entertained? The same way as I always do
…Won the lottery, what is the first thing you’d buy? I don't do lotteries
…Could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be? I don't care about fashion
…Had to be stranded on a deserted island with either your worst enemy or no one, which would you choose, and why? No one. I'd end up killing my enemy and I'm a loner anyway
…Could name a newly discovered planet or star, what would you name it, and why? Metroli. It's a language in a novel I am writing
…Could add anyone to Mt. Rushmore, who would that be, and why? Ronald Reagan. A strong leader
…Could be adopted by any fictional family, which would you pick, and why? None
…Met an alien, what’s the first question you’d ask them? Can I learn your language?
…Could invent a new word, what would it be and what would it mean? Ruminolivation meaning the ability to be in 2 places at once
…Could have the world’s largest collection of anything, what item would you want that to be? Pictures of you know who
…Could break any world record, which would you pick? No idea
…Were stuck in a Zombie apocalypse, what three famous people would you want on your team? Tomas, his wife and no one else
…Could go back in time and meet your five-year-old self, what would you what to tell them? Life won't be easy, kid
…Had to have three songs represent your personality and life, which would you select? 'I Am A Rock' by Simon and Garfunkel, 'I Stand Alone' by Agnetha Faltskog and 'The Loner' by Stephen Stills
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