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That is when a lot of people lose their temper. There is always something to do and we are never prepared. It is really hard to identify what to do. We feel that we are too lowly when it comes to our ability to remember. We study and we forget. And there are all sorts of other troubles to deal with. Distraction being the worst of them.

What was your magic trick to keep yourself calm ? I am sure that it was that cup of black coffee ;)
I had test anxiety as a youngster, I failed so many maths tests because I couldn't keep my nerves in check. It was only maths, too, everything else I could somewhat handle.

As for tips to calm the nerves, the best I ever had was to distract just before class. Focus on something completely different, calming music or entertaining/pump up music, or a good book. Distract your mind just before the test, but study as much as possible leading up to that. You'll find you keep more in your head if you distract just before.
Group study is a wonderful thing. I was not a bright kid. So group study was hard for me. But friends, good ones are real assets. I must be blessed that way. When we study as a group it nullifies boredom and certain lack of skills.

We had some very helpful seniors too. They were helpful to understand how the exams are conducted. That plays an important role.
it best to study ahead of time

The best thing to do. The right thing too. I figured it out very lately :D

It is fun to not pay attention while in class. I was not a bad student, but friends did bother much about paying attention while the lecture s going on. And they know to how distract others.
Do well, make us proud :supportive

I am sure you will do great. Why subject is it ? Is that your favourite ?

Everyone is conducting online exams now. There is a lot of cheating.

Really boring subject, European Law. It isn't really my favourite but its a means to an end.
A coping mechanism I used for when I had tests was to think about the most likely outcome. I used to think that'd I'd do mediocre. Enough to pass it but not enough to get a great result.

That way it sort of calmed me down because I was able to try and manifest a good result so that whatever I did I knew it would end up being okay because I'd just need to try my best.
That is when a lot of people lose their temper. There is always something to do and we are never prepared. It is really hard to identify what to do. We feel that we are too lowly when it comes to our ability to remember. We study and we forget. And there are all sorts of other troubles to deal with. Distraction being the worst of them.

What was your magic trick to keep yourself calm ? I am sure that it was that cup of black coffee ;)
I understand how you feel, I am doing my exams and it is super hard. I feel so stuck if i will pass or fail but my little girl keeps me going but good luck Harry!x
I used to have a lot of exam anxiety. I remember I was worried about questions, performance and how others would see me. And eventually as I started performing and stopped worrying it went away. Being prepared is one way to get over that anxiety. And having friends who support along the way even makes things easier.
I was a good student, I passed exams with good grades, therefore, I never worried about exams. Well, exams were, of course, stressful and I was under pressure to get good grades, but I never lost my temper, I never panicked. Even when I was not interested in the subject, I took it cool.

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